Mafia Remake - Check out the new Lost Heaven map

Hangar 13 has unveiled a world map from Mafia: Ultimate Edition. By the way, some changes that have occurred in Lost Heaven in relation to the city from the original title were discussed.

Lost Heaven map from Mafia: Ultimate Edition ...
… And from Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven

The creators did not change the overall plan of the city, but - as they themselves admitted - it did not go without some modifications. For example, a small island has been moved from the New Ark area to the vicinity of Chinatown, and the racetrack is closer to the city than in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven. The new names of some districts are also noticeable. The mentioned New Ark was renamed North Park, Oak Hill is now Beech Hill, etc. There are also minor changes in the location of certain locations, such as the Salierich bar.

The creators themselves mentioned more buildings, a more diverse topography (thanks to which "the city landscape can be admired from a distance"), new streets and side alleys, etc. The location of some mission objectives has also been changed. Interestingly, the developers relied on heat maps of players' routes, showing the most frequently traveled roads. Based on this data, the team modified the location of key places to encourage the player to drive through different districts, instead of - we quote - "keep moving along the same streets as if commuting to work every day." Mafia: Final Edition hits PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on September 25. Then we will also see what exactly the new Lost Heaven looks like.


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