Microsoft and TikTok - acquisition talks are ongoing

Microsoft confirmed the rumors from a few days ago - the company is negotiating with the Chinese company ByteDance to take over the American branch of the TikTok company.

The American branch of TikTok will go to Microsoft? IN BRIEF: Microsoft has confirmed that it is in talks with ByteDance regarding the acquisition of the American branch of TikTok; the Redmond giant is in contact with the administration of US President Donald Trump and wants to conclude negotiations before September 15; talks have already been put on hold once due to tensions between the US and China. The rumors from a few days ago have been confirmed: Microsoft and ByteDance are talking about a possible takeover of the American branch of TikTok by the first of the companies. The information was published in a note on the official blog of the giant from Redmond.

Following a talk between Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella and President Donald J. Trump, Microsoft is prepared to continue talks about purchasing TikTok in the United States. Microsoft fully understands the importance of addressing the president's concerns (it is about the possibility of using the application to spy on Americans - editor's note). We are committed to acquiring TikTok, performing a full security check. The goal is to provide adequate economic benefits to the United States, including the treasury, the note reads. The matter will be resolved in the coming weeks - Microsoft plans to finish the discussed negotiations by September 15, 2020. The concern is in contact with the US administration.

Microsoft will quickly - within weeks - enter into talks with TikTok's parent company, ByteDance. Discussions will end no later than September 15, 2020. During this process, Microsoft expects to continue dialogue with the US government, including the president - we read on. The case is related to the decision of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who decided last Friday to ban the application in question in his country. It is worth noting that due to the political tensions between the US and China, talks have already been suspended once, but have been resumed.


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